Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011

Is there a progress in the Philippines this 2011?

In a moment, let's pause and take a look at the situation of our dear Philippines. How is she in the middle year of 2011? Is she still smiling or dying? Year 2011- the year of the Rabbit. Many people think that the world will come to on end. What is soon to have an end is our confused society.

Who can be the savior of the Filipino people? Can the government make ways to alleviate accumulated problems? There are so many problems that we cannot think the right solution, like the never ending crimes,

Father and Daughter

Look at the relationships that you have had with other men. Do you gravitate to men like your father? Are they usually kind and loving men, or are they uncaring or abusive? Daughters need to know that the first man in their life loved them unconditionally, as every man in her life thereafter will be patterned after her first love --- good, bad, or indifferent.
I hope that you were fortunate enough to have a father who enriched your life. If he made you feel like his beautiful princess and also valued you as an intelligent and independent individual, then I'm fairly certain that your relationships with the men in your life have been positive experiences. If, on the other hand, you lived with a father who discounted you and made you feel miserable, or you had an absentee father who was not a part of your life, then it's likely that you have picked the same kind of men as an adult. One would think that living with an alcoholic, abusive, inattentive, or emotionally unavailable father would make you more aware and thus more cautious and selective. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of the established patterns. Surprisingly enough, you tend to choose the same man as your father, regardless of his positive or negative affect on your life.
The psychology behind this phenomenon is really quite interesting: being treated in an abusive way as a child diminishes your self-worth and thus your expectations of yourself and the way others should treat you. You forget that you deserve choices in your life, and tend to accept whatever circumstances befall you. Moreover, as most abusive, aggressive men prefer women they can easily dominate, your diminished self-image makes you a target for abuse. A vicious cycle of reduced self-worth and abusive relationships ensues because abusive treatment only enforces the poor self-esteem. Women will marry or live with an abusive man like 'Dear Old Dad ' or seek our a man whom they can never trust to be there for them. Incredibly, when they finally find the courage to leave him, more often than not they will become involved with another man just like him!
I have counseled many young women who, as adults, still wanted to have a father/daughter relationship with their absentee father and continued to try to reconnect with a man who had left little more than tire tracks on the paths of their lives. One woman actually wanted her father to walk her down the aisle, and she was afraid to ask him. She was afraid that he would say no, or even worse that he would say yes, and not show up. Like daughters of alcoholic and abusive fathers, they still cling to the possibility of a normal relationship, but continue to seek out the same type of man.

"Culture Shock"

September 6, 1989
I read with interest your article "Culture Shock Hits Health Care" (Aug. 19, Part I). I applaud acknowledging the need for medical personnel on all levels to recognize and comply with cultural differences and beliefs in dispensing Western medicine effectively. However, I believe an important issue was given short shrift. The article cites a foreign patient's concern that antibiotics are "too strong." Doctors are said to view some foreign birth control methods as "unwise." Also, from the article, "A doctor who chastises someone for using a folk remedy is . . . wasting a chance to gently educate him."
January 27, 2011 | By Meg James, Los Angeles Times
In the NBC sitcom "30 Rock," the self-absorbed television chief executive, played by Alec Baldwin, obsesses over what will happen to his career when his company ? NBC ? is taken over by Kabletown, a fictional cable systems operator from Philadelphia. On Friday the real-life cable company from Philadelphia ? Comcast Corp. ? assumes control of NBC Universal, the real-life entertainment colossus that is featured in the show. And while Steve Burke, the new chief executive of NBC Universal, is a fan of "30 Rock," one of his priorities will be to reform the NBC Universal corporate culture, one that has condoned politicking and aggrandizement, the very workplace parodied by the sitcom.
September 23, 2010 | By Robert Lloyd, Los Angeles Times Television Critic
One thing connects the protagonists of the comedies "$# ! My Dad Says" and "Outsourced," premiering Thursday on CBS and NBC, respectively: They owe money on student loans, which limits their life choices to moving in with Dad, in the first instance, and moving to India, in the second. Otherwise, these series are as different as tomatoes and ketchup, with the distinction that both tomatoes and ketchup are good, but one of these shows is not. "Outsourced" (which I think of as the tomato in the simile above)

Enjoying Teen Age Life

Teen age years should be the most exciting, enjoyable and memorable times in everyone's life. Here is advice on how to enjoy them.

Be Happy

Count your blessings! As a teenager, you are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go your way. You are young, full of energy, you feel like you are invincible, totally carefree and becoming freer and more independent.Unless you are living in a developing country, you probably don’t have to think about things like where to get the next meal, how to make ends meet, or where to sleep for the night.Your greatest pre- occupation, aside from your studies, would probably be how to get to know that pretty looker or handsome hunk that just moved in town..

Be Healthy
As a teenager you will experience many changes in your body. Boys will develop more muscles, grow taller, etc. Girls will become more rounded, develop their breasts and have menstrual periods. During this growth spurt, it will do you well to learn to take care of your body. Keep yourself clean and well groomed, eat the right diet and remain physically active. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state of health in the future.
Be Wise
Maintain close contact with your parents and older people. As a teen, you will be “chafing at the bit” to be more and more independent. . You will also have a thousand and one questions as you enter this new stage of life. This is the time when you actually need the guidance and support of your parents and older people. Did you know that there was a king who nearly lost his whole kingdom because he ignored sage advice and followed that of his young and inexperienced peers? But that’s another story.
Set a High Personal Standard
It is very rare to find young people who set clear definitions and limits on their personal behavior. Whether it be drugs, crime, premarital sex, pornography, alcohol, smoking etc. ,many young people just seem to go along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure.There may be temporary thrills and pleasures but the end result is always the same- a life of grief and deep regret .It can also be the most tragic and heart breaking for some.For example , statistics show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers (roughly 10 per 100,00) after unintentional injury (accidents) and homicide. Setting the right limits on your behavior will keep you away from these avoidable consequences.Consider these guidelines and enjoy your teen years. Then as these years pass, you can prepare yourself for an equally promising future.
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Loneliness... :(

Most of us at some point in our lives have experienced loneliness. For some it's temporary, perhaps triggered by particular events or transitions, while for others, it seems to be a permanent fact of life.
Ever since his wife died, just two weeks after their 60th anniversary, 84-year-old Bert has been practically housebound. If asked, he says "Oh, I'm OK, a neighbour pops in now and again, and kindly helps with shopping". He cleans the house and makes his own ready meals in the microwave. But lying in bed at night, or when he sees her hairbrush on the dressing table, or looks up from reading the newspaper ready to share a thought, he is overwhelmed with emptiness.
Joan is 19 and half way through her first year at university. "Everyone says their years at university were the best time of their life, they made lots of friends, went to parties. But for me, it's not like that. I am quite shy and find it hard to mix. I feel lonely and apart. I hardly see my housemates."
These two examples describe how loneliness can arise from either the loss of connection to others, or being unable to form new connections.
Emily White, author of the book "Lonely: Learning to Live with Solitude", also gives examples in her blog of how certain times of year can intensify loneliness:
"Thanksgiving can be a lonely time. Or, more accurately, the notion of everyone else getting together with loved ones can bring loneliness raging to the fore, leaving you feeling marginalized, isolated, and suffocating with feelings of disconnection."

However, she is also critical of society and media's role in marginalizing aloneness:
"Valentine's seems to have emerged not just as a day to celebrate all things romantic, it's become a day of getting hysterical about the risks associated with loneliness."

Crooks is a black stable hand with a crooked back who, because of the colour of his skin, is forced to live in solitude, away from the other men. He has an abrasive sense of humour, and comes across as bitter and proud. He wants to be friends with Lennie and proposes he come and live with him and George and hoe the garden when they get their plot of land, but he also taunts Lennie with tales of men he has seen come and go with empty dreams about owning their own plot of land.

Curley's wife is bored and lonely and dreams of becoming a film star: although she is married, her husband doesn't love her and she doesn't love him, and being the only woman on the ranch, she tries to make friends with the working men. Candy is an aging worker with an old dog that gets shot by another ranch hand in a supposed act of mercy that Candy thinks he probably should have done earlier but kept putting off, fearing the loss of his only companion. He worries about being lonely in old age, and persuades George and Lennie to let him join their plan of buying their plot of land, which could be made possible because he has some savings.

Where are the DEAD?

For a man to declare himself uninterested in this subject would be to proclaim him idiotic -- thoughtless. If the ordinary affairs of this present life, food, raiment, finance, politics, etc., which concern us but for a few years, are deemed worthy of thought, study, how much more concern should we have in respect to the eternal future of ourselves and neighbors and mankind in general?
Of course, so important a question has had the most profound study, ever since the reign of Sin and Death began six thousand years ago. By this time the subject should be threadbare. The entire world should be so thoroughly informed respecting this question that there would be nothing new to say and nobody curious to hear. But the large audiences of intelligent, thoughtful people which come to hear, and which listen with breathless interest to what we have to say, imply that after all the study the subject has had, but few are thoroughly satisfied with their conclusions.
Before presenting what we claim is the Scriptural and only satisfactory answer to our query, we think it but proper respect to the intelligence and thought of our day and of past centuries to make general inquiries on the subject and have before our minds the most profound thoughts of the most astute thinkers of our race. We cannot, however, go into this matter elaborately and give lengthy quotations. We must content ourselves with brief, synoptically answers, which will be stated kindly and truthfully, and with a desire not to offend anybody, however much we may disagree with his conclusions. We recognize the right of every man to do his own thinking and to reach his own conclusions, whether these agree with our conceptions or not. My dear friends, you had before your minds the answers to our question from the highest to the lowest earthly authorities. None of them was satisfactory. Now you have heard the testimony of God's Word -- the divine declaration as to "Where be the dead?" Harkening to the voice from heaven we are assured that they are really dead and that all their hopes as respects the future are centered, first upon the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus, accomplished at Calvary, and secondly, upon the work or resurrection which, at his second advent, he is to accomplish for those whom he redeemed. If perchance you have a shade of disappointment as respects a saintly brother or sister, father or mother or child who you hoped was already in heaven, then as a consolation look at the other side of the question -- behold how many of your loved ones, kith and kin, friends and foes and neighbors, according to your theory and all the prevalent theories, have been suffering untellable woe since their death and would be suffering similarly for long centuries to come -- consider the relief of mind and heart you get from the knowledge of the truth: that they are not alive anywhere, but simply dead, or more poetically, they are "Asleep in Jesus," in the sense that he is their Redeemer, in whom all their hopes of a future awakening reside.

The Role of a Teacher

There are lots of different types of reading and listening activities. Of course, for these various types of activities the teacher’s behaviour will be different. For example in presentation, the teacher was in firm control. Then we can say that the role of the teacher changes depending on the function he performs in different activities.
A. The Teacher as Controller
when the teacher is in complete charge of class activities he acts as controller. The teacher controls what the students do, what they speak and when they speak. Naturally in presenting new material e.g a grammatical pattern, new vocabulary, a pronunciation item, the teacher plays this role. In communicative activities teacher as controller will be inappropriate. If the teacher rigidly controls all languge to be used by the students, they can’t have the opportunity to learn the language properly. Audio Lingual Method  have been severely criticized; for this reason because the teacher play this role too much and too often. The teacher as controller is useful during an accurate reproduction activities. Teachers should keep the students alert.
1. The teacher constitutes a good language model for the students
2. The class activities will be well-organized
3. Using the class time economically and efficiently
1. If  the teacher plays this role too much the students will not have the opportunity to speak, use the language independently and creatively. If the teacher uses this role excessively there will be too much teaching but too little learning.
2. Boredom will result because of too much practice besides too little opportunity for the creative use of language. In creative activities the teacher should stop playing this role.
B. The Teacher as Assessor
To evaluate the students’ performance to show the students their success or shortcomings. The aim is to show the students how well they are performing or they have performed. During the presentation stage the teacher should and can correct the errors in order to show the students what has gone wrong and he should help the students put it right with choral repetition of the correct form and repetition after the teacher. In this role as assessor the teacher provides ‘feedback’(the knowledge) that the students have in order to see the extent of his success or shortcoming in his performance.
Individual repetition takes too much time to see how each individual pronounce, to hear the individual performance. To keep the students on their tip toes; in communicative activities the correction should be on the content. In communicative activities the teacher may correct but this correction should be gentle correction. Here the teacher does not insist that the correct form should be repeated chorally, individually or in groups.