Unlike the brain, the mind is not an organ. It is invisible. It follows you wherever you go even in your sleep. You can neither locate nor touch it.
Your consciousness is your state of being aware of your thoughts and feelings and your surroundings. It, however, may be blocked. Among the reasons are your perceptions, beliefs, and mental programming.
You must have heard and read about the conscious and subconscious mind. To put it simply the former is within your conscious awareness while the latter is "on automatic" where you don't have to think about something but yet it does everything.
A simple example is when you are driving to a familiar location. You don't realize you've reached a certain point until you notice that you have to make a decision at that point of time.
The same thing happens with your thoughts and feelings. Have you ever noticed how your memory of the past, your thoughts and your feelings change from one to another in a day? All it takes is something to trigger them and you will find yourself thinking and feeling and they are usually the same and familiar stuff?
Most of your mental activities that influence your daily behaviors happen without your awareness. They are produced from your habitual mental patterns of thoughts and feelings stored inside.
i lOVE My SELf
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